Clients and Projects
Monitoring and Evaluation
Numeric: team leader of an (annual) evaluation of the impact of an after-school Mathematics programme (2015 to current)
Jakes Gerwel Foundation (sub-contracted through JET Education Services): report writer for an impact evaluation of the JGF Scholarship and Fellowship Programme
Sishen Iron Ore Company - Community Development Trust (SIOC-CDT) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): quantitative and qualitative analyst for a rapid review of the SIOC-CDT Education Programme
Zenex Foundation (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project manager for the GDE Grade R Mathematics and Languages Improvement Project
GreenCape: team leader of an outcomes evaluation of the Atlantis branch of Ikamva Youth
Praekelt Foundation and Investec: team leader of an outcomes evaluation of dig-it, an online FET Maths programme
Zenex Foundation and WCED (and other funders) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): co-project manager in an implementation and impact evaluation of the R-Maths project (Mathematics teacher training for Grade R practitioners in the Western Cape Province of South Africa)
Zenex Foundation (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): senior project manager of the implementation and impact evaluation of the Gauteng Department of Education’s four-year Grade R Maths and Languages Improvement Project
Innovation Edge and Western Cape Department of Social Development (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): Implementation evaluation of the CareUp intervention, pilot phase (CareUp is an app aimed at the parents and practitioners of pre-Grade R children at township ECD centres)
Microsoft (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project manager of a two-year evaluation of an online Mathematics service aimed at senior high school learners (Microsoft Math)
UNICEF South Africa (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project manager and lead researcher in the evaluation of the ukuFUNda virtual school
UNESCO (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): lead researcher in the evaluation of the teacher development programmes in 4 countries (Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan and Mexico)
GiZ (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project manager and lead researcher in the evaluation of the Grade 12 learner support component of the LAIS intervention in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
Sesame Workshop (New York) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): lead researcher in the evaluation of the Play Well & Be Happy programme, as rolled-out in the Eastern Cape province
South African Education and Environment Project: annual evaluation of the academic components of their Hope Scholars’ Programme (2013 to 2017)
Education Research
Nal'ibali: team leader for team that completed 980 surveys of adults in four towns across two provinces, and analysed the data
Anglo American South Africa (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): to gather baseline data from 134 secondary schools across three provinces for Phase II of the Anglo America South Africa Education Programme
UNICEF Namibia (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project-managed a review of the Namibian Examinations and Assessments System (involving substantial qualitative data collection, analysis and report-writing, and the development of a ‘blueprint’ for improvements to the national system)
UNICEF South Africa (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): collated South African education data for ECD, primary and secondary schooling
GiZ (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): collated evidence on all past or existing mNumeracy interventions in early grades in LMICs, and co-authored the final landscape review
Project Management (non evaluation contracts)
Zenex Foundation (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project-managed an Initial Teacher Education project called Mathematics 4 Primary Teachers implemented at seven South African universities.
Andreas and Susan Struengmann Foundation: project-managed the set-up of a brand new, state-of-the-art Disa Primary School in the township of Imizamo Yethu, Hout Bay.
The Maitri Foundation (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project-managed an Initial Teacher Education project called Primary Mathematics @ UNISA implemented at the University of South Africa
Sesame Workshop (New York) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project-managed the Play Every Day (beta phase) research
Sesame Workshop (New York) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): project-managed Takalani-Sesame show and character research
Mathematics Education: Resource Development
GiZ (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): reviewed proposed new Yemenese Mathematics curriculum (and related) documents, for Grades 1 to 9
Valenture Institute: authored and/or reviewed over 35 modules for online teaching at each of the following levels: Junior Higher, International GCSE (Higher tier) and International GCSE (Foundation tier)
SAILI: authored foundational Mathematics assessments and a remedial programme based on the problems identified by assessment results
Namibian Ministry of Education (sub-contracted through Brombacher and Associates): project-managed the development of continuous assessment materials for Grades 5 to 10
Microsoft (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): authored and edited Grade 10 to 12 material. Microsoft Math was a service (now discontinued) aimed at enabling free cell phone access for disadvantaged learners to the South Africa FET (Grade 10-12) Maths curriculum
Oxford University Press (South Africa): authored four textbook chapters for the new Lesotho National Curriculum, Grades 10 and 11
Pearson Education (South Africa): authored Mathematical Literacy materials for the South African TVET curriculum (levels 2 to 4), and Mathematics materials for N2 and N3 levels
MacMillan South Africa: edited new Grade 10 and 11 Maths Literacy textbooks
Aga Khan Foundation (East Africa) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): developed 20 exemplar lessons for primary school numeracy/maths classes in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
Ukuqonda Institute: authored all revision chapters for the new DBE Mathematics textbooks at GET Senior Phase (Gr 7-9) level (CAPS curriculum)
The Learning Channel (sub-contracted through Brombacher and Associates): project-managed the development of the Grade 11 scripts for their Mathematics curriculum DVDs; and authored Grade 10 and 11 lessons
Mathematics Education: Teacher Training
Sci-Bono (Gauteng) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): trained Intermediate Phase lead teachers in various topics (e.g. number and geometric patterns)
Aga Khan Foundation (East Africa) (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): developed numeracy/Mathematics training manuals for Lower Primary & Upper Primary, and trained primary school trainers and teachers in numeracy pedagogical practices – in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
Departments of Education (Northern Cape and Western Cape) in South Africa (sub-contracted through Brombacher and Associates): trained Foundation (Gr 1 to 3) and Intermediate (Gr 4 to 6) Phase educators in Number Sense, and Maths Literacy (Gr 10 to 12) educators in Measuring Skills
Focus on Primary Maths Project (sub-contracted through Kelello Consulting): trained and supported teachers in the Foundation Phase (Grades R to 3) in two Cape Town schools.
South African Education and Environment Project (educational NGO): acted as Mathematics subject advisor and Mathematics staff mentor
Corporate Training/Facilitating
Learn to Lead (associate trainer): delivered experiential learning courses to organisations such as GrandWest, Pep Stores and Ackermans.