Publications and Presentations
Garth Spencer-Smith has been a Research Associate in the Department of Childhood Education (at the University of Johannesburg), since 2016.
Academic Publications (10)
Spencer-Smith, G., Hazell, E. & Kuhne, C. (2022). The Grade R Mathematics Project (R-Maths) in the Western Cape 2016-2019: Conceptualisation, development, implementation, and evaluation. In Spaull, N. & Taylor, S. (Eds). Early Grade Reading and Mathematics Interventions in South Africa: Interventions. (pp. 189-206). Cape Town: Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
Spencer-Smith, G. & Hardman, J. (2022): Variation in Semiotic Mediation across Face-to-Face and Computer-Based Secondary School Mathematics Lessons in a School in the Western Cape Province of South Africa, Computers in the Schools
Hazell, E., Spencer-Smith, G., & Roberts, N. (2019). Improving Grade R mathematics teaching in South Africa: Evidence from an impact evaluation of a province-wide intervention. Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal), (76), 48-68.
Isaacs, S., Roberts, N., Spencer-Smith, G. & Brink, S. (2019). Learning through play in Grade R classrooms: Measuring practitioners’ confidence, knowledge and practice. South African Journal of Childhood Education 9(1), a704.
Roberts, N., & Spencer-Smith, G. (2019). An expanded analytical framework for describing m-learning in early grade Mathematics. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 9(1),
Isaacs, S., Roberts, N., & Spencer-Smith, G. (2019). Learning with mobile devices: Stakeholder lessons from four mobile learning pilots in Africa. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 9(1), a704.
Roberts, N., Spencer-Smith, G., Vanska, R., & Eskelinen, S. (2015). From challenging assumptions to measuring effect: researching the Nokia mobile mathematics service in South Africa. South African Journal of Education, 35(2), 1-13.
Spencer-Smith, G. & Roberts, N. (2014). Landscape review: Mobile education for numeracy. Evidence from interventions in low-income countries. GIZ: Bonn.
Spencer-Smith, G. & Hardman, J. (2014). The impact of computer and mathematics software usage on performance of school leavers in the Western Cape Province of South Africa: A comparative analysis. Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 10(1), 22-40
Spencer-Smith, G. (2010). A mixed methods investigation into the impact of computers and Maths software on Mathematics teaching and Matric results of high schools in the EMDC East, Cape Town, thesis submitted for Master of Education, University of Cape Town
Academic Presentations (9)
Roberts, N. & Spencer-Smith G. (2017, October). Supporting parents and ECD practitioners through mobile applications: The case of CareUp, SAERA conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Spencer-Smith, G. & Roberts, N. (2017, August). The ukuFUNda Virtual School evaluation, m-Learning expert panel, convened by the DBE and UNICEF, Johannesburg, South Africa
Spencer-Smith, G. & Roberts, N. (2017, January). Procedural fluency in Grade 10-12 Mathematics: How much is enough? Short paper, SAARMSTE 25th Annual Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Spencer-Smith, G. (2016, May). Calculators and mental maths: Complementary or contradictory? Presentation at the South African Principals’ Association (WC) Regional Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Spencer-Smith, G. (2014, October). Engaging with Nokia Mobile Mathematics – a local online FET Maths service. Workshop run at the Innovate Schools’ ICT Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Spencer-Smith, G. (2014, July). Engaging with Nokia Mobile Mathematics – a local online FET Maths service. Workshop run at the AMESA National Congress, Kimberley, South Africa
Roberts, N. & Spencer-Smith, G. (2014, April). From Challenging Assumptions to Measuring Impact of the Nokia Mobile Mathematics Service in South Africa. Presentation at the South African Basic Education Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa
Spencer-Smith, G. and Hardman, J. (2011, November). Investigating the impact of computer software on Matric Mathematics results in the EMDC East district of Cape Town: A quantitative analysis. Short paper presented at the Kenton Education Association Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
Technical and Evaluation Reports (33)
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2023). Evaluation of the Numeric after-school Mathematics programme: 2022, for Numeric
JET Education Services. (2022). Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of the Jakes Gerwel Fellowship (JGF) Programme: Year 1 Report, for the JGF
Kelello Consulting. (2022). Consolidated baseline findings of the GDE Grade R Mathematics and Language Improvement Project, for the Zenex Foundation
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2022). Evaluation of the Numeric after-school Mathematics programme: 2021, for Numeric
Kelello Consulting. (2021). Anglo American South Africa Education Programme: Phase 2 baseline research findings, for AASA
Kelello Consulting. (2021). Anglo American South Africa Education Programme: Phase 2 design recommendations, for AASA
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2021). Evaluation of the Numeric after-school Mathematics programme: 2020, for Numeric
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2020). IkamvaYouth Atlantic impact evaluation report, for GreenCape
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2020). Evaluation of the Numeric after-school Mathematics programme: 2019, for Numeric
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2020). SEDC Douglas evaluation: Consolidated report, for the Socio-Economic Development Company, Douglas.
Kelello Consulting. (2019). Namibian Examinations and Assessments System review: Consolidated role-player findings, for the Namibian Ministry of Education and UNICEF Namibia.
Kelello Consulting. (2019). Namibian Examinations and Assessments System review: Feasible and affordable improvements to strengthen assessment, for the Namibian Ministry of Education and UNICEF Namibia.
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2019). Evaluation of the Numeric after-school Mathematics programme: 2018, for Numeric
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2018). Dig-it evaluation: Endline report, for Investec and the Praekelt Foundation
Kelello Consulting. (2018). Final consolidated research report: Play Every Day (beta phase), for LEGO Foundation and Sesame Workshop
Kelello Consulting. (2018). South African data on early learning and basic education, for UNICEF
Kelello Consulting. (2018). Final consolidated evaluation report for Play Well Be Happy, for LEGO Foundation, Sesame Workshop and Eastern Cape Department of Education
JET and Kelello Consulting. (2018). Endline consolidated report on the evaluation of the R-Maths Project, for the Zenex Foundation and WCED
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2018). Evaluation of the Numeric after-school Mathematics programme: 2017, for Numeric
Ukufunda Education Consulting. (2017). Phase 1 evaluation report for dig-it, for Investec and the Praekelt Foundation
Kelello Consulting. (2017). Sci-Bono training report, for Sci-Bono